An Employee’s Guide When Facing Discrimination
Workplace discrimination can leave you feeling powerless, frustrated, and unsure of where to turn. No one should have to face unfair treatment because of who they are,... An Employee’s Guide When Facing Discrimination Continued

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jury Verdict Won in Gender Discrimination Case
Historic Jury Verdict Compels Department of Agriculture to Redress Gender Discrimination
Washington, D.C. - In a landmark decision on September 23, 2023, a jury convened... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jury Verdict Won in Gender Discrimination Case Continued

United We Stand: A Time Barred Tenet?
United We Stand: A time barred tenet?
Today marks the 17 year anniversary of September 11 th. New Yorkers will remember the date as the moment... United We Stand: A Time Barred Tenet? Continued

50 Years of the ADEA
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) has turned 50. The Act aims to “promote employment of older persons based on their... 50 Years of the ADEA Continued

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Looks to be Realized This Year
New regulations concerning pregnant employees looks to be passed at some point this year. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, or PWFA, is currently waiting for a vote... Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Looks to be Realized This Year Continued

The Decade after 9/11 has Witnessed an Unparalleled Increase in Religious Based Discrimination Charges
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal agency charged with enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against employees, recently issued a press release regarding... The Decade after 9/11 has Witnessed an Unparalleled Increase in Religious Based Discrimination Charges Continued

Department of Veterans Affairs Admits Unlawful Discrimination
In an unprecedented decision the US Department of Veterans Affairs admitted to unlawful discrimination in a disability discrimination claim brought by the Solomon Law Firm, PLLC on behalf... Department of Veterans Affairs Admits Unlawful Discrimination Continued

Ariel Solomon Featured in a FedSmith
Ariel Solomon featured in a FedSmith article discussing recent oral arguments before the Merit Systems Protection Board balancing federal employee appeal rights with national security concerns.
Ariel Solomon Featured in a FedSmith Continued

Ariel E. Solomon, Esq, Published Law Review Article
Ariel E. Solomon, Esq, published a Law Review Article on changes in the law concerning the Reemployment Rights of Veterans, pursuant to the Uniformed... Ariel E. Solomon, Esq, Published Law Review Article Continued

USPS employee terminated while on active military duty gets his job back
Ariel E. Solomon successfully served as the principal attorney on behalf of the petitioner, a former employee of the United States Postal Service, who was terminated from... USPS employee terminated while on active military duty gets his job back Continued