The Decade after 9/11 has Witnessed an Unparalleled Increase in Religious Based Discrimination Charges

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal agency charged with enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against employees, recently issued a press release regarding the effect of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on employment discrimination.

In the initial months after 9/11, the EEOC saw a 250% increase in the number of religion-based discrimination charges involving Muslims. The EEOC created a special code to track charges related to 9/11 from people who were, or were perceived to be, Muslim, Arab, Afghani, and/or Middle Eastern decent. In the decade following the terrorist attacks, the EEOC has filed more than 80 lawsuits alleging discrimination and retaliation associated with religious and national origin related discrimination complaints.
Remedies associates with religious discrimination include back pay, compensatory damages (pain and suffering), reimbursement for out of pocket expenses, and in some instances, reimbursement for attorney fees expending in pursuing a complaint of religious or national origin discrimination.
To speak with an Albany, NY or a Washington, DC employment lawyer about employment discrimination, contact the Solomon Law Firm, PLLC to speak with a Federal Employee attorney at